Fold | Centuplex

Centuplex, 2021
Letterpress, Screenprint, various paper stock, 100mm cubed
The hundredth word from a hundred novels over a hundred days was the premise for the 2021 ‘100 Days Project Scotland’. Each day a page was printed and became part of an expanding, additive book. The novels were chosen from books read and nesting on my bookshelves. I set and printed the words using the traditional letterpress printing process. Centuplex comes from the Latin for hundredfold. The individual page size is 100mm x 100mm, and the finished book is 100mm x 100mmx 100mm.
Once the book was finished, I designed (with the help of Ju-Ju Books) and made a bespoke box which all acts as a structural support when the book is displayed. The box contains a list of the books and authors I used. This work exists as an edition of five. The box making element of this project has been supported by a South of Scotland Visual Artist and Craft Maker Award, funded by Creative Scotland, Live Borders and Dumfries & Galloway Council.